~  Pit firing  ~  Saggar firing  ~  Naked Raku firing  ~  Wood firing  ~  

Click to learn more about Pit Firing!   Click to learn more about Saggar Firing   Click to learn more about Naked Raku   Click to learn more about Wood Firing!
There are some key aspects which I would like to share with you regarding of the above firing methods. 
 Click a photo above to learn about each firing method.

All of this information comes from my personal experience, along with shared experiences with my other potter friends, those good people who have fired with me and shared their knowledge willingly. Potters who keep secrets and hide ALL their techniques from others, only to serve themselves are missing out on a lot of great experiences, friendships, some learning of their own in return. Without sharing knowledge, I believe you are at a disadvantage in the long run, losing respect or friends along the way. This is why I love giving workshops and teaching when I can. Believe me, I know there's bills to pay, and the competition out there, but is it really worth it? There's more to life when it is shared with others..

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